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2016 United States cable manufacturing output value reached $2.4 billion
BAOJIALONG  Addtime:2016/11/18   Read:1602 Times【 Fontsize:L M S

United States IBISWorld industry Research Institute recently issued a report that, in 2016, the United States cable manufacturing output is expected to reach $2.4 billion average annual growth rate the past five years is 3.1%.

Reports said a surge in demand for high-speed fiber-optic network is a major cause of promoting stable growth. Past five years, the United States ushered in another round of steady and rapid growth in cable manufacturing. High-speed Internet, mobile terminal equipment, wireless connections, and other to promote steady growth of the cable market.

Judging from the past five years, despite the 2012-2013, cable manufacturing output fell but rebounded, especially in 2016, growth in demand for wireless connectivity and broadband in rural areas, production grew by 9.6% to 2.4 billion dollars.

Looking ahead five years, IBISWorld believe that high-speed fiber-optic Internet and mobile devices to further growth in demand will also continue to stimulate increased demand for fiber optic cable, and wireless network services a wide range of popular and upgrades will also drive demand growth.

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